Waggy's Blog

Mi perro tiene diarrea ¿Qué hago? ¡Te lo contamos!

If you notice that your dog suffers from an upset stomach, you should pay attention to the causes and above all take it for a consultation. At Waggy's we understand that a visit to the vet can cause stress in your puppy, which is why we offer a variety of products that will help calm your anxiety.

¿Qué perciben los gatos en las personas?

Cats are very sensitive animals that perceive the mood of people, recognizing certain factors. Many michis, depending on the mood their caregiver is in, respond to that emotion in various ways and can even become stressed. That is why at Waggy's we offer a variety of relaxing products.

Tipos de Husky que existen 2023
If you're considering adopting a husky, it's important to do your research and understand the differences between the different types to find the right one for you. Although there is variety, at Waggy's we know that they are still pets that need care and be rewarded, so look at our catalog and read the article
Parvovirus en Perros: Qué es, Causas, Síntomas y Tratamiento
El parvovirus es una enfermedad que afecta tanto a  perros, gatos y hurones, el mismo  puede manifestarse en diferentes formas en los perros, por eso es necesario que ante cualquier síntoma lo lleves a consulta, lo cual puede ser estresante para la mascota. Por eso, en Waggys tenemos productos que calmarán ese estrés.
Panleucopenia Felina: Qué es, Síntomas y tratamiento
Feline panleukopenia or also called feline parvovirus is one of the most common and deadly diseases that cats can suffer from. Prevent and treat the most important thing here, so don't hesitate to take your michi for consultation. At Waggy's we know that this can be difficult and stressful, which is why we have products with Cbd for your pet in our catalog.