Feline Calicivirus: What it is, Symptoms and Treatment Avoid it!

Calicivirus Felino: Qué es, Síntomas y Tratamiento ¡Evítalo!

In this blog we will talk about a highly infectious disease for our cats and that it is also very easy to spread. This disease is a serious thing because it is very common and many times we do not know it. Most cases occur in cats that live on the streets because they are not vaccinated or because of the environment in which they live, however, it is not the exclusive factor for this disease to attack your pet.

Are you interested in knowing more? Waggy's invites you to stay reading. Greetings.

 What is calicivirus in cats?

The calicivirus is a type of feline flu that mainly attacks the respiratory tract, generating symptoms such as sneezing, constant tearing, fever, among others. The virus that causes it is very contagious and dangerous for our cat due to its weak immune system.

It is generally a disease that attacks stray cats that live in colonies where they already have a high contagion rate, so it spreads easily, however, it is not the exclusive factor for the disease to attack your cat.

If you want to know more about other types of diseases that can attack your pet, I recommend that you read: feline panleukopenia , toxoplasmosis in cats and toxoplasmosis in cats .

Calicivirus symptoms

The most common symptoms that you can easily detect in your cat are the following:

    1. sneezing
    2. Runny nose
    3. Conjunctivitis
    4. Sores in the mouth, palate or tongue
    5. ulcers in the nose
    6. decay or depression
    7. Lack of appetite

How is calicivirus spread in cats?

The virus is spread by direct contact with nasal or eye secretions, saliva, or even the feces of an infected cat, since all these secretions contain a large amount of virus that can survive in the environment for up to a week.

Likewise, we must be careful with the objects with which our pets have contact because it can also be a form of contagion. If the infected animal has been in contact with textiles, toys, feeders, etc., it is possible that the virus remains on these surfaces and can infect another animal if it comes into contact with it.

 Finally, it may also be that the infection occurs through contact with a carrier cat. Some of them may not present symptoms and still infect other cats.

Diagnosis of calicivirus in cats

As with other diseases, a swab test on your pet's oral mucosa will suffice to diagnose whether or not it has the disease. Once diagnosed, you already know the types of treatment that can be suggested for it.

The person in charge of carrying out this diagnosis is a veterinarian and at Waggy's we understand that a visit to the vet by the michi can cause the well-known stress in cats , a lot of anxiety and other difficult-to-manage behaviors, which is why the brand offers products made with CBD to cats , 100% natural, take a look!

If you want to know more about the subject, I recommend that you read the article Benefits of CBD in Cats , as well as visit the product catalogue.

How is calicivirus cured in cats?

Despite being a fairly common disease, it is important to know that there is no specific treatment for this disease, however, medications are used to alleviate our cat's symptoms and prevent their situation from worsening. There are two options to alleviate our pet's discomfort:

Medical treatment

Antibiotics, drugs to ease breathing, and medicines to stop some symptoms such as fever or runny nose are often used. Also, they usually give them fluid therapy to keep the cat hydrated and some probiotic to strengthen the immune system.

Home treatment

Actions can also be carried out from home! You can give them wet food if they have mouth ulcers, clean their nose and eyes if they have secretions, as well as provide them with a warm and moisture-free place to help their recovery. Remember, it is essential that you remain isolated to prevent the virus from spreading.

How long can a cat with calicivirus live?

Cats that are carriers of feline calicivirus without symptoms are healthy cats that lead a normal life and do not need any special care or medication. They can live as long as any other cat. The only thing you should keep in mind is to avoid living with cats that do not have this disease so that they do not get it.

Consequences of feline calicivirus

Most cats recover from this disease without sequelae due to early diagnosis of the disease. However, in the most serious cases, when the animal has a very weak immune system or the disease has not been treated correctly, this flu can lead to pneumonia or cause corneal ulcers.

Calicivirus Prevention in Cats

Preventing this disease relies on the importance of vaccination. There is a vaccine against calicivirus that greatly reduces the chances of contagion but, we must not trust ourselves, its protection is not 100% effective.

Let's remember that vaccines are necessary to prevent diseases and avoid the spread of bacteria, so completing the vaccination schedule for our pets is of the utmost importance for their development, let's be responsible and vaccinate them.

Is the calicivirus contagious to humans?

The answer is no. Although feline calicivirus is a highly contagious disease, it is only remitted to cats. This cannot be transmitted to humans or to any other animal species such as dogs.


How did you like this information? Definitely all the diseases of our pets must be dealt with responsibly and this is no exception. Our pet can count on the benefit of having owners who realize their ailments and treat this disease on time, but what about those who don't? Let's not lose sight of the fact that it is an extremely easy disease to spread, we don't want that.

Thank you for reading this blog. Together we work to ensure the well-being of our pets. See you in the next one!

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