How Long Does a Dog Pregnancy Last? Complete Guide 2024

¿Cuánto Dura el Embarazo de un Perro? Guía Completa 2024

When the time comes for our pet to give birth, we rarely know what to do or how to react. Who hasn't called the veterinarian for help? Therefore, in this blog we will inform you everything you need to know so that when the time comes you will not feel disoriented.

Keep reading and discover what the signs of a dog's pregnancy are, the phases of pregnancy, how long it takes for a dog to give birth, the necessary care, among many other topics. Go for it.

Signs of pregnancy in a dog

Being aware of the signs or symptoms that your pet presents will be important to properly prepare for delivery. Some general signs may be:

  • The breasts and nipples will grow and turn pink.
  • Occasionally there may be the appearance or secretion of a semi-transparent liquid.
  • Vaginal discharge secretions.
  • Increase in the frequency with which you urinate because you will have less space in your bladder.
  • Your pet will gain weight noticeably from day 35, it can increase up to 50% of its weight.
  • Notable changes in behavior such as lethargy or excess activity, rejection of contact with male dogs, loss of appetite and increase prior to delivery time, among others.

How long does a dog's pregnancy last? Phases

The pregnancy period of a dog usually lasts about two months, which would approximately be 63 days, but it can vary by 5 days more or less depending on the evolution of each dog.

Phase 1

  • It corresponds to the appearance of contractions.
  • The cervix and uterus prepare for childbirth.
  • Your dog's vulva will begin to swell for the same purpose.
  • You may notice behavioral changes such as restlessness, gasping, trembling, among others, but it is normal.

Phase 2

  • Includes the birth of puppies.
  • Your pet's rectal temperature will return to normal as soon as she is ready to give birth.
  • The contractions will become stronger and you will begin to expel vaginal discharge.
  • The puppies will begin to emerge at intervals of approximately 15 to 20 minutes.

Phase 3

  • As the puppies are expelled, the placentas should also come out. This step is extremely important, between each puppy the placenta must be expelled, if not, you should seek urgent help from your veterinarian.
  • Sometimes, dogs eat their placenta for energy during labor and then vomit. Don't panic, it's completely normal, but contact your vet if the vomiting continues.

How do I know how pregnant my dog ​​is?

In fact, on many occasions we plan to crossbreed our pet so from that date on, we can count 63 days, which is approximately how long the gestation period lasts. On the other hand, if we do not know that date, we can use the same methods to determine the number of puppies per litter; ultrasound, radiography or abdominal palpation.

How do you know how many puppies a dog is going to have?

Determining how many puppies your pet can have can be a complete challenge. There are certain procedures that can help you decipher it:


A veterinarian can perform an ultrasound to count the number of puppies and evaluate their development. This is a fairly accurate way to determine litter size and obtain information about the health of the puppies.

In case the dog does not like to visit the veterinarian, I recommend that you give him Waggy's brand puppy treats because they contain CBD for dogs , which helps a lot to level the stress and anxiety levels in dogs before go to your session, which will be beneficial for everyone. In addition, one of its other ingredients is Omega 3 for dogs , a necessary and essential component for the development of the puppy.

Bone scan

After day 45 of pregnancy, an x-ray can provide a picture of the puppies in the womb. Radiography is especially useful for counting the number of fetal skeletons and is more accurate for estimating litter size.

abdominal palpation

An experienced veterinarian can palpate the dog's abdomen to feel the puppies. However, this is most effective after approximately 28 days of gestation.

How long does it take for a dog to give birth?

Normal dog birth

The duration of your pet's labor may vary depending on several factors, but in general, the birth of the puppies is not delayed and should not present any apparent complications. This process usually takes between 3 and 12 hours.

First time dog birth

As for first-time dogs, birth can take longer than in dogs that have had previous litters, this can last up to 36 hours. In general, it is important to monitor the process and seek veterinary care if there are signs of problems or if labor is not progressing as it should.

How long does it take for a dog to give birth between puppies?

The duration between the birth of each puppy is known as the interval. This can vary depending on the breed, whether she is a first-time mother or not, the size of the litter, among others. Likewise, the pace is not constant, however, it ranges from 15 to 60 minutes.

Signs of labor in a dog

Let's remember that each pet is unique, so the signs or signals it presents may be different. However, Waggy's shares some of the most common signs:

Changes in behavior

Your pet may become restless and look for a comfortable place to give birth, or you may notice that she is actively looking for a quiet, comfortable place to prepare a nest for the puppies.

Body temperature

Some dogs experience a drop in body temperature approximately 24 hours before whelping. Generally, from a temperature of 38.5 °C they go to one of 37 °C.

Loss of appetite

Likewise, it is likely that they will lose interest in food, suffer from constipation in dogs and this is the cause or they may stop eating a few hours before delivery. Read the article: My dog ​​doesn't want to eat

Vaginal discharge

They may have clear, mucous, or bloody vaginal discharge before labor begins.

Nesting behavior

The dog may dig or scratch in an attempt to create a comfortable area for whelping.

Caring for a pregnant dog

During the gestation period of our dogs they go through many changes so the care we have for them will be important; these might be:

A stress-free environment

Provides a calm, stress-free environment for the dog. Avoid sudden changes in your routine and minimize exposure to stressful situations.

Avoid extreme temperatures

Make sure your dog has a cool, comfortable place to rest, especially in hot weather.

Deworming and proper vaccination

Check with your veterinarian to make sure your dog is up to date on any necessary vaccinations. Deworming is also crucial before breeding the pet, but it should be done under the supervision of the veterinarian. It is extremely important that the dog has its vaccination and deworming schedule up to date before breeding.

Moderate exercise

Adequate exercise will help maintain your pet's physical and mental health since during exercise, they will be able to release anxiety, avoid complications during childbirth and future joint problems.

Adequate hydration

During pregnancy, dehydration is a latent threat that we must avoid at all costs. Make sure the dog always has access to fresh, clean water. During pregnancy, the dog may need more water than usual.

Caring for a dog during childbirth

During the psartus and depending on the specific characteristics of your pet, it may be necessary for you to intervene, here we tell you how:

  • Make sure your pet has a safe place to give birth to her puppies.
  • Get your veterinarian's emergency phone number before the puppies are born in case delivery happens at night or if there are complications.
  • Have manicure scissors and clean, dry towels on hand in case your pet needs help.
  • If it is necessary to separate the puppies from mom at any time, be sure to keep them warm with a microwave-safe thermal bag.

Caring for a postpartum dog

Generally, due to your dog's maternal instinct, she will know what to do once she has given birth to her puppies. However, there are actions we can take to help them and ensure their peace of mind:


During lactation, dogs will need a large amount of energy, so keeping them well fed will be essential. We recommend that you always make sure they have food and water. Try the barf diet

Nest hygiene

Keeping the nest clean will help prevent infections for everyone. We recommend keeping the bed and sheets in which the litter is found clean. Likewise, try to ensure that the dog and puppies do not have direct contact with other animals until they are properly vaccinated.


Finally, it is important to review your pet's postpartum behavior to ensure that everything is fine. We must monitor your vaginal secretions and your breasts, making sure they do not have any redness or swelling. Any anomaly is always better to consult with your veterinarian.


In summary, pregnancy in dogs is a process that lasts approximately 63 days, during which the dog goes through different phases, from fertilization to delivery. During this time, it is essential to provide adequate care, including a balanced diet with chicken bones for dogs , weight management, regular veterinary care, a stress-free environment, and preparations for delivery. Close observation of signs such as changes in behavior and body, along with collaboration with a veterinarian, will ensure a successful pregnancy and the well-being of the dog and her puppies.

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