Fat Cats: Causes, Consequences and How to Fix It

Gatos Gordos: Causas, Consecuencias y Cómo solucionarlo

Hello cat lovers and welcome back to the Waggy's blog! This time, we're going to talk about a topic that may hit a little close to home: chubby cats! Yes, those michis who seem to have enjoyed the good life too much and now have a little "extra weight" to carry. But don't worry, here we are going to find out how to help those fatties get in shape and look slim again! So get ready for some helpful tips.

What is obesity in cats?

Obesity in cats is a condition in which a cat has excess body fat that negatively affects its health and well-being. As in humans, obesity in cats can lead to a number of health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, respiratory problems, arthritis, and an overall shorter life.

What causes obesity in cats?

Obesity in cats is usually caused by several factors such as the following:

  • Inadequate diet: Providing a barf diet high in calories and low in essential nutrients may contribute to obesity in cats. Feeding them too many treats or allowing them to consume human foods can also lead to unhealthy weight gain. A good option is to give them cat milk , as it will feed them and keep track of their weight due to their satiety.
  • Lack of exercise: Cats need physical activity to stay fit and healthy. If a cat does not have enough opportunity to move and play, it is more likely to accumulate excess body fat.
  • Genetic factors: Some cats may have a genetic predisposition to obesity, meaning they are more likely to gain weight even with adequate diet and exercise.
  • Neutering: Cats neutered or undergoing cat spaying have an increased risk of becoming obese. This may be due to hormonal changes that affect the cat's metabolism and appetite.
  • Environmental factors: The environment a cat lives in can also influence its weight. For example, if a cat lives in a sedentary environment or has unlimited access to food, it is more likely to gain weight.
  • Health problems: In some cases, obesity in cats can be caused by health problems, such as endocrine disorders (such as hypothyroidism), which affect the cat's metabolism and can lead to weight gain.

Symptoms of an obese cat

The symptoms of an obese cat can vary depending on the degree of obesity and the general health of the animal. Some common symptoms of obesity in cats include:

  • Fat accumulation: You may notice an accumulation of fat in specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, hips, or the area around the neck.
  • Difficulty performing physical activities: Obese cats may show a decrease in physical activity. They may avoid jumping, running, or playing like they did before.
  • Labored breathing: Obesity can cause difficulty breathing, especially during exercise or in hot conditions.
  • Fatigue: Obese cats may tire more easily and seem less interested in playing or interacting.
  • Joint and mobility problems: Excess weight can put extra pressure on your joints, which can lead to problems like arthritis and difficulty moving. But to prevent this from happening, we recommend incorporating Waggy's Mobility into their diet, treats that will not only delight your cats, but will also promote their joint health thanks to the fact that they contain CBD for cats and 100% natural ingredients are also designed to regenerate and strengthen your felines' joints, giving them greater mobility and comfort in their daily lives. Made to the highest quality standards, Waggy's Mobility are the perfect choice to pamper your little ones while providing them with the benefits they need to stay active and healthy.

  • Changes in eating habits: Some obese cats may show changes in their eating habits, such as overeating or constantly begging for food.

Consequences of obesity in cats

The consequences of obesity in cats may include the following conditions:

  • Insulin-resistant diabetes or type II diabetes: Obesity in cats can increase the risk of developing type II diabetes mellitus, which is a condition in which the body cannot properly use insulin. This can lead to high blood sugar levels and other health problems.
  • Infections and parasites: Obese cats may have a compromised immune system, which makes them more susceptible to bacterial, viral and parasitic infections such as rabies in cats , ringworm in cats among other conditions.
  • Risk of birth dystocias: Obese cats may have difficulties during birth due to the accumulation of fat around the pelvic area, which can increase the risk of complications during birth, such as dystocias (difficulty giving birth).
  • Hepatic lipidosis: Hepatic lipidosis, also known as fatty liver disease, is a serious condition that can develop in obese cats that lose weight too quickly or stop eating. It is characterized by an excessive buildup of lipids in the liver, which can lead to liver failure and other serious health problems.
  • Lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD): Obese cats are at increased risk of developing lower urinary tract diseases, such as feline idiopathic cystitis and urinary stones. These conditions can cause painful urination, difficulty urinating, and even urinary tract obstruction, which can be life-threatening if untreated.
  • Osteoarthritis: Excess weight can put additional pressure on cats' joints, increasing the risk of developing arthritis and other joint problems. This can cause pain, stiffness, and difficulty moving.
  • Reflux: Obesity in cats can increase the risk of developing gastroesophageal reflux, a condition in which stomach acids back up into the esophagus, which can cause irritation and other digestive problems.

What food can I give a fat cat?

Consider feeding food specifically designed for overweight cats or weight management formulas, which are formulated to meet their nutritional needs without adding unnecessary calories. Additionally, you can incorporate natural foods such as lean chicken or turkey, boiled or roasted without seasonings or oils, as a healthy alternative to commercial treats. It is also essential to control portions and limit access to extra food, such as leftover human food.

Exercises for fat cats

Helping a fat cat lose weight requires more than just changing its diet; It's also important to incorporate regular exercise into your daily routine. Here are some exercise suggestions for fat cats:

    • Interactive Toys : Use interactive toys, such as feather fishing rods or toys that emit light or sound, to stimulate your cat's hunting instinct and encourage him to move like our Waggy's Crazy Mouse.
  • Structured play sessions: Spend time every day playing all kinds of cat games in a structured way with your cat. Use toys that allow your cat to run, jump, and chase, such as stuffed mice or feather toys.
  • Hide and seek games: Hide treats or toys around the house and encourage your cat to find them. This not only encourages exercise, but also stimulates their mind and hunting instinct.
  • Climbing: Provide your cat with a cat tree or a series of shelves and platforms at different heights so they can climb and explore. This not only promotes exercise, but also satisfies their natural need to climb and explore their surroundings.

Other tips to control the weight of a fat cat

  • Portion Control: Serve controlled portions of food following your veterinarian's recommendations. Avoid leaving food available all the time and limit the amount of treats and treats you give your cat.
  • Feeding at regular times: Set regular times to feed your cat and avoid feeding between meals. This can help regulate your metabolism and prevent weight gain. It is important that you learn to know what cats eat
  • Mental stimulation: Provide toys and activities that mentally stimulate your cat, such as food puzzles or prize-seeking games. Not only will this keep your cat entertained, but it can also help reduce compulsive eating behavior.
  • Veterinary supervision: Schedule regular visits to the veterinarian to monitor your cat's health and weight. The veterinarian can provide additional guidance on weight loss and make adjustments to the management plan as necessary.
  • Avoid human food: Do not feed your cat human food, as it can be high in calories and unhealthy for them. Additionally, some human foods can be toxic to cats.


In conclusion, it is vital to address the problem of obesity in cats with seriousness and commitment. From adjusting their diet and providing regular exercise to monitoring their progress and seeking veterinary guidance, every step counts in helping our felines reach and maintain a healthy weight. With proper care and attention, we can ensure our cats live longer, happier, and more active lives.

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