Vomiting in Cats: Types, Causes and Remedies

Vómitos en Gatos: Tipos, Causas y Remedios

Welcome! Today we will talk about an important topic for all feline lovers: vomiting in cats. Although it can be alarming to see your cat vomiting, it is a relatively common problem that can have multiple causes, from dietary to medical. In this post, we will explain the different reasons why a cat may vomit, the types of vomiting and what to do if your cat exhibits this sign. Our goal is to provide you with the information necessary to best care for your furry friend's health. Keep reading to learn more about this important topic!

Causes of vomiting in cats

  • Sudden changes in diet: Eating foods that are not suitable for fat cats or not making the dietary change properly.
  • Hairballs: Cats groom themselves and can swallow hair, which accumulates in their stomach and causes vomiting to expel it.
  • Intestinal parasites: Worms and other parasites can cause irritation and vomiting.
  • Infectious diseases: Viral, bacterial or fungal infections.
  • Poisoning: Ingestion of toxic substances, such as certain types of plants, chemicals, medications or foods that are toxic to hypoallergenic cats (such as chocolate or onions).
  • Systemic diseases: Kidney, liver, pancreatic diseases, diabetes or hyperthyroidism.
  • Gastrointestinal problems: Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, colitis in cats , obstructions or ulcers.
  • Stress or anxiety: Changes in the environment, new animals at home, moving, among other factors that can cause stress in cats

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  • Food allergies: Some cats may be allergic to certain ingredients in their food.
  • Cancer: Tumors in the gastrointestinal tract or other organs can cause vomiting.

Types of vomiting in cats

Vomit in cats can vary in appearance and consistency, which may offer clues to the possible cause. Here are some common types of vomiting in cats and what they may indicate:

Yellowish/greenish vomit

  • It can occur when the stomach is empty for a long period of time.
  • It may be associated with gallbladder or liver problems.

Vomiting of undigested food

  • Food that has not been digested is usually seen shortly after eating.
  • It can be caused by eating too quickly or a blockage in the gastrointestinal tract.

Foamy vomit

  • Vomiting that appears foamy or bubbly.
  • It may be a sign of gastritis or acid reflux.

Hairball vomiting

  • Mass of hair mixed with gastric juices.
  • Common in cats that groom themselves a lot and swallow hair.

Vomiting blood (hematemesis)

  • Bright red blood or dark brown material that looks like coffee beans.
  • It may indicate ulcers, severe irritation of the esophagus, stomach or intestines, or poisoning.
  • It is immediate medical attention

Vomiting water

  • Clear or slightly yellowish liquid.
  • It can occur when a cat drinks too much water at once, or from more serious causes such as an intestinal obstruction.

Chronic vomiting

  • Recurrent vomiting that occurs regularly.
  • It may be related to chronic diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), chronic kidney failure or cancer.

Each type of vomit can provide important information about the cat's health and the possible underlying cause. If vomiting persists, becomes frequent, or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms, it is essential to consult a veterinarian for proper evaluation and treatment.

How much vomiting is normal in a cat?

Occasional vomiting in cats, especially if it occurs once a month or less frequently, can be considered normal, particularly if it is related to the passing of hairballs or if the cat has eaten too quickly. However, frequent vomiting, such as more than once a month, may be indicative of a problem and warrants veterinary attention. If a cat vomits several times in a short period of time (for example, several times in one day or for several days in a row), this is not normal and requires immediate veterinary evaluation to determine the cause and avoid potential health complications.

What to do if my cat vomits white foam?

If your cat vomits white foam, it is important to observe him closely and take note of any other symptoms he may be exhibiting. White foam can be a sign of gastritis, acid reflux, or simply that your cat's stomach is empty. In some cases, it may not be of immediate concern if it occurs in isolation. Make sure your cat has access to fresh, clean water, and consider giving it a small amount of food to see if the vomiting stops.

However, if the vomiting of white foam persists, repeats several times, or if your cat shows other symptoms such as lethargy, loss of appetite, diarrhea, or signs of pain, it is crucial to take him to the vet as soon as possible. The veterinarian will be able to perform a complete examination and possibly additional tests to determine the underlying cause of the vomiting and recommend appropriate treatment.

Why is my cat vomiting clear liquid?

Vomiting clear liquid in cats usually indicates that the stomach is empty and can be due to a number of reasons, such as gastritis, acid reflux, or simply drinking too much water in one sitting. It can also be a symptom of more serious problems such as an intestinal blockage or kidney disease. If vomiting clear liquid occurs occasionally, it may not be a cause for immediate concern.

What happens if my cat vomits yellow?

If your cat vomits yellow liquid, this usually indicates the presence of bile, which may suggest that the stomach is empty and the bile has been regurgitated. This can be caused by bile reflux, an inappropriate diet, or overeating. In some cases, it can signal more serious problems such as liver or pancreatic disease. If yellow vomit occurs occasionally, it may not be cause for immediate alarm, but if it is frequent, persists, or is accompanied by other symptoms such as lethargy, weight loss, or changes in appetite, it is crucial to take the cat to the vet for a checkup. proper diagnosis and treatment.

When should cat vomiting be of concern?

Cat vomiting should be of concern when it is frequent or persistent, occurs several times in a short period of time, or is accompanied by other symptoms such as stupor, depression, lethargy, loss of appetite, weight loss, diarrhea, blood in vomit, or signs of pain. These may be indicative of serious health problems such as gastrointestinal diseases, infections, poisoning or systemic diseases.

What can you give a cat that is vomiting?

If your cat is vomiting, it is important to first identify the cause before offering any treatment. Here are some general recommendations:

  • As the first and most important recommendation, go to the veterinarian to have an objective and precise diagnosis of what is happening to your cat.
  • Make sure they have access to fresh water in small amounts to avoid dehydration, as well as good cat grooming and hygiene.
  • After a period of fasting, slowly reintroduce food with a soft, easy-to-digest diet, such as cooked chicken without seasoning or a special food for cats with digestive problems.
  • Divide food into small portions throughout the day.
  • You can offer unsalted chicken broth or rice water to maintain hydration and provide nutrients.
  • Never give your cat human medications without consulting a veterinarian, as many can be toxic to cats.
  • If vomiting persists, is frequent, or if the cat displays other concerning symptoms, take your cat to the veterinarian for appropriate evaluation and specific treatment based on the diagnosis.


In summary, vomiting in cats is a common symptom that can have a variety of causes, from minor dietary problems to serious illnesses. It is crucial to observe the frequency and type of vomiting, as well as any other associated symptoms, to determine the severity of the problem. Occasional vomiting may not be cause for alarm, but frequent or persistent vomiting, especially when accompanied by other signs of illness, should be evaluated by a veterinarian. Maintaining an adequate diet, preventing the ingestion of foreign bodies, and reducing stress in the cat's environment are essential steps to minimize vomiting episodes. Always remember to consult your veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment, thus ensuring the health and well-being of your beloved feline.

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