Waggy's Blog

Caída de pelo en Perros: Causas y Tratamientos

Hair loss can affect both long-haired dogs and short-haired dogs, and although we don't give it as much importance as other aspects of their health, we should pay more attention to it.

We are going to tell you why dogs lose their hair and to detect when is the moment in which you should go to your vet to rule out a disease.

ansiedad por separacion en perros
Separation anxiety in dogs is a serious problem and one that has become more and more frequent in our pets. If your dog becomes restless when you leave him alone at home, destroys your furniture or objects, barks and/or relieves himself inside the house, keep reading. In this article we will tell you why he behaves like this and what actions you can take to prevent it and/or help you solve this problem.
consejos para viajar en avion con tu perro
You have heard the phrase “The destination does not matter, but enjoy the journey”. Many times, long journeys with pets can become stressful and overwhelming for owners and their pets, since they must be planned in advance and must comply...