Dog Pads: What They Are For and How to Care for Them Quickly and Quickly

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This time, we will talk about a fundamental but often overlooked topic: your dog's pads. Since what are they? and how to care for them? to the common problems they may face, we will provide you with valuable information and practical advice to ensure that your furry paws are in optimal condition. Are you ready to learn more about this important aspect of caring for your pet? Read on and join the Waggy's family in our efforts to care for the health and well-being of your furry best friend!

What are dog pads?

Dogs' pads or cushions are thick, padded structures found in the lower area of ​​their paws. They are made up of a layer of tough skin rich in keratin, and act as a protective layer between the dog's paw and the ground, providing cushioning and traction while walking, running or jumping. They also help protect the dog's limbs from extreme temperatures, rough or sharp surfaces, and harsh chemicals.

In addition to their protective function, dogs' paws also contain sweat glands that help regulate the dog's body temperature and release chemicals that transmit information about the environment.

Most common problems in dog pads

The most common dog paw problems can range from mild conditions to more serious problems. Some of these may be the following:

  • Dry Pads: Dry pads can be caused by exposure to rough surfaces or extremely dry climates. This can cause the pads to become rough and cracked.
  • Cracked Pads: Cracks in pads can occur due to exposure to rough surfaces, cold, dry weather, or excessive physical activity. Cracks can be painful and susceptible to infection if not treated properly.
  • Injured Ear Pads: Ear pad injuries can result from cuts, scrapes, or burns caused by hot or sharp surfaces. These injuries can cause pain and discomfort to your dog and may require veterinary attention.
  • Raw Irritated Pads: Raw irritated pads can be the result of severe irritation or chemical burns. This can occur if your dog walks on corrosive chemicals or very hot surfaces. It is important to treat these injuries quickly to prevent infection and promote healing.
  • Thickened pads: This condition can occur in your pet as a result of the healing of an injury, however, it can also be a delicate sign that indicates viral problems in your pet such as leptospirosis in dogs or distemper in dogs , so it is important If you notice this sign, take your pet to the veterinarian immediately.

How to moisturize dog pads?

By moisturizing our dogs' pads we care about them and are taking action to keep them healthy and protected.

  • Specialized Balms and Creams: There are products specifically formulated to hydrate dogs' paws, such as balms or creams. These products usually contain natural ingredients such as shea butter, coconut oil or almond oil, which help hydrate and protect the skin.
  • Natural Oils: You can apply natural oils like coconut oil or almond oil directly to your dog's paws to moisturize them. Make sure to gently massage the oil so that it absorbs well into the skin.
  • Warm Water Baths: Soak your dog's paws in warm water for a few minutes to hydrate the pads. Avoid hot water as it can dry out your skin.
  • Humidifiers: If you live in an area with a dry climate, consider using a humidifier in your home to increase the humidity in the air. This can help prevent your dog's pads from drying out.
  • Maintain soft surfaces: Avoid letting your dog walk on rough or hot surfaces, such as hot concrete or abrasive pavement, as they can dry out the pads. Instead, choose to walk on areas of grass or soft dirt.
  • Adequate Rest: Make sure your dog gets enough rest after strenuous activities to allow his pads to recover and hydrate naturally.

How to protect dog pads? Tips

There are several tips that you can adopt to ensure the physical well-being of your pet in this regard. You can limit the time your dog spends walking on rough surfaces such as hot concrete or abrasive pavement, as this can damage his pads. Also, you can trim the hair around your dog's pads to prevent debris and moisture from accumulating, which which can cause irritation and infections.

If you and your pet live in extremely hot or cold climates, we recommend protecting your dog's pads with booties or special pad balms. This will help prevent dog heat stroke burns, frostbite, and cracks.

Lastly, keep your dog away from harsh chemicals like cleaning products or pesticides, as they can irritate and damage their pads. We are aware that we love to use these products to feel that the house is clean, but it is necessary to only use the appropriate quantities, otherwise, it could be harmful to our furry friends.

How do I know if my dog's paws are healthy?

To know if your dog's paws are healthy, it is important to pay attention to his appearance and behavior. The pads should be pink or black in color, depending on the color of your dog's skin, a sudden change in color may indicate health problems. They should also feel soft and flexible to the touch. If they are rough or dry, it could be a sign of dryness or irritation.

If your dog limps or shows signs of pain when walking, it may be an indication that there is a problem with his pads. Finally, if your dog does not show signs of excessive licking or chewing of his paw pads in his dog language , they are probably healthy.

If you notice any signs that your dog's paws are unhealthy, such as redness, swelling, lameness, or pain, it is important to take him to the veterinarian for proper evaluation and treatment. The veterinarian will be able to determine the cause and recommend the appropriate treatment to restore the health of your dog's paws.


In conclusion, dog paws are fundamental structures that play a vital role in the mobility and protection of our four-legged friends. It is important to take proper care of them to ensure their health and well-being. Remember to keep the pads clean, moisturized, and protected from rough or extremely hot surfaces. For any signs of damage or irritation to your dog's paws, it is crucial to consult a veterinarian for proper treatment. If visits to the veterinarian cause stress for your pet, consider using Waggy's Olive Oil with HEMP, with prior approval from the veterinarian. Remember that the use of any HEMP product must be supervised by your pet's veterinarian. At Waggy's, we care about the health and well-being of your furry companion every step of the way, which is why we offer you soothing dog treats with CBD for dogs and Omega 3 for dogs ideal for reducing stress and anxiety in dogs .

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