Hair Loss in Cats: Causes and Treatment

Caída de Pelos en Gatos: Causas y Tratamiento

Welcome Waggyfriend, this time we will talk about the challenge of dealing with hair loss. In this blog we will discover useful tips, home remedies and why it is essential to pay attention to the signals that our furry friends send us. Are you ready? Let's start

Why is my cat's hair falling out? Causes

Hair loss in cats can be due to several reasons, and it is important to note that hair loss to some extent is normal in these animals. However, if you notice excessive hair loss or skin changes, Waggy's recommends consulting a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis. Some of the causes may be the following:

Feeding problems

A Poor barf diet can affect the health of a cat's coat. Make sure he is receiving a balanced diet appropriate for his age and health. I recommend you read the article: What cats eat


Infestations of fleas, ticks or other parasites can cause skin irritation, leading to hair loss. Check your cat regularly for parasites and use deworming products as recommended by your veterinarian.


Cats can develop allergies to certain foods, chemicals, or even dust and pollen, these can manifest with itching and hair loss.

Skin diseases

Fungal infections, bacterial infections or dermatological problems can contribute to hair loss. Scabies and other skin diseases in cats should be diagnosed and treated by a veterinarian.

If you manage to get your pet to behave at the vet's appointment, it would be appropriate to reward him with

Waggy's brand products which contain CBD for cats and which brings many benefits to the cat's health.


Emotional stress can affect a cat's overall health, including its coat. Changes in the environment, introduction of new animals or people, moving, etc., can cause stress.

Hormonal problems

Hormonal imbalances, such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, can have effects on a cat's coat.

Symptoms of hair loss in cats

Some of the most common and visible signs are the following:

  • Hairs without strength, dull and noticeably tangled
  • Obvious hair loss
  • Appearance of bald spots
  • Lack of appetite or apathetic attitudes
  • Skin irritation and small wounds
  • Nervousness and stress

Why does my cat have baldness on its hind legs?

Hair loss on a cat's hind legs can result from a variety of causes, such as flea infestations, allergies, dermatitis, fungal or bacterial infections, trauma, or excessive licking. The presence of bald patches may indicate skin irritation, and to determine the exact cause and receive appropriate treatment, a veterinary evaluation is recommended to rule out potential health problems and address the situation effectively.

Hair loss in cats home remedies

  • In some cases, a gentle bath with a shampoo recommended by your veterinarian can help relieve skin problems and reduce hair loss.
  • If you suspect your hair loss is related to allergies, try to maintain an environment free of allergens, such as dust and pollen. Regularly clean the house and provide a safe and comfortable place for your cat.
  • Take care of their diet, cats need a diet rich in proteins to stay strong and healthy. Furthermore, these proteins must be digestible and of good quality, otherwise the hair will become finer and more brittle.

Tips to prevent hair loss in cats

Regular brushing

Brushing your cat regularly helps remove loose hair, prevents hairballs from forming, and stimulates blood circulation to the skin. The frequency of brushing will depend on the type of cat's coat.

Balanced diet

Provide your cat with a balanced diet appropriate for its life stage. High-quality foods that contain essential nutrients, such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, contribute to coat health.

Nutritional supplements

Consult your veterinarian about adding nutritional supplements, such as omega-3-rich fish oils, to improve coat quality.

Toys for mental stimulation

Provide toys and activities that mentally stimulate your cat. Stress and boredom can contribute to health problems, including hair loss.

Regular visits to the vet

Schedule regular checkups with your veterinarian to detect any health problems at an early stage. Your veterinarian may recommend dietary adjustments or specific treatments based on your cat's individual needs.


In conclusion, hair loss in cats can be a natural phenomenon, but when it becomes excessive or is accompanied by other symptoms, it is crucial to pay attention and seek the guidance of a veterinarian. Proper care, including a balanced diet, regular brushing and attention to possible underlying causes, are key to maintaining the health of our feline friends' coats. Always remember to consult a professional for an accurate diagnosis and an appropriate action plan!

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