Tips for Traveling by Plane with your Dog

consejos para viajar en avion con tu perro

You have heard the phrase “The destination does not matter, but enjoy the journey”.

Many times, long journeys with pets can become stressful and overwhelming for owners and their pets, since they must be planned in advance and must comply with all regulatory requirements. “It is very common for various passengers who travel with their pets to make an extra payment, have to change their flight or unfortunately cannot travel with their pet in a timely manner due to being unaware of the regulations”, so prepare yourself and find out correctly.


1. Evaluate the state of your pet and issue the certificate of good health

It is necessary that days before your trip, you take your pet with your veterinarian and explain to him where you are traveling. The doctor during his evaluation, will determine if your pet is in optimal conditions to travel, that is to say that it is not going through any infectious process , that it has its internal and external deworming applied within the previous 6 months, without the presence of ectoparasites

including fleas or ticks, that it is free of any type of wound and of any recent healing process, and finally that it completely covers its vaccination schedule. You should consider that some destinations establish animal health requirements in addition to these; But do not worry! since your trusted veterinarian will help you verify that your pet complies with all the animal health regulations established by its destination.

If everything goes well, your doctor can issue you a certificate of good health which will contain all the information about your pet; race, sex, age and physical characteristics

individuals. The certificate must be on letterhead and with the corresponding professional license number , handwritten signature, as well as the address of origin and the address of the place of destination.

Remember that this travel certificate is valid for 15 days and will be one of the key documents that you must present when taking your flight. If you plan to extend your stay for a longer time, consider that you will need a new certificate.

2. Verify that your documentation is complete

Here is a checklist:

  • Official identification of the owner who processes the certificate.
  • Certificate of good health.
    • Age above 8 weeks.
    • Not females with lactating pups.
  • Vaccination record: it must indicate the name of the vaccine, laboratory, batch number , expiration date, application date.
  • Internal and external deworming within the six months prior to your trip, indicating the product and date of when it was carried out.
  • Updated rabies vaccine. Pets under 3 months of age are exempt from this vaccine.

Additionally, if you leave the country, it is likely that you must meet additional requirements. Which you have to consult at the embassy of the corresponding country or at the SAGARPA-SENASICA offices or through the following page :

Together with your application form to obtain the export or import certificate. The official staff must carry out a documentary verification and later a physical evaluation of your pet. If your pet has a skin lesion or infection such as scabies, dermatomycosis, dermatophytosis, alopecia or a similar condition, if any of these lesions or infections prove positive, the pet may only travel if it already has a diagnosis and treatment issued by a Veterinary doctor who must be indicated in the certificate of good health with all its corresponding characteristics.

You must consider that if your pet receives any medical treatment, it is possible that it can only travel in a documented manner and that if your pet presents any condition that may represent a risk, the General Directorate of Animal Health will determine the measures that must be applied and the additional expenses that this will generate.


3. Investigate the health requirements and demands of your destination.


The regulations may vary if you make a national or international trip.

National Flights

  • Vaccination card.
  • Certificate of good health (original and copy).

International flights

  • Vaccination card.
  • Certificate of good health (original and copy).
    • If you travel to the United States or Canada, this document is not necessary since you should only contact SENASICA's official personnel or assistants who will carry out a medical inspection of your pet.
  • Animal health certificate for import or export of SAGARPA-SENASICA with a validity of 8 days which may vary depending on the place of destination.

Do not forget to consult the embassy of the corresponding country or the offices of SAGARPA-SENASICA or through the following page.

4. Investigate the health requirements and demands of your airline.

All airlines have different guidelines to be able to board the plane accompanied by their pets, either inside the cabin or documented, so it never hurts to check what requirements we must meet when flying.

Normally, only one pet is allowed per owner, and the owner must present himself two hours before the departure of his flight. It is vitally important that you know that the carriers or containers will receive a preventive treatment applied by spraying around the entire carrier, which will be carried out by the official personnel of Agriculture-SENASICA and they must verify that your carrier does not contain any type of litter or extra attachment since if they contain them they will be removed for their destruction.

5. Determine the classification in which your pet is located

Depending on the characteristics that the pets present and various functions that they perform, these are classified into three types and therefore, the way in which they can travel is determined.

Emotional Support Pet (ESAN)

  • Dogs and cats considered.
  • It must remain in the owner's lap, lap, or space under the seat in front of him.
  • Maximum weight considering the transporter of 12 kg with a maximum length x height of 56 x 30 cm.
  • The animal must be trained to have a calm temperament in public places.
  • It is forbidden to provide food and drinks to your pet during the entire trip.
  • The owner should always be responsible for cleaning his pet if he needs it.

Service Mascot (SVAN)

  • Animals trained to accompany people with a disability such as: blindness or visual weakness, deafness, seizures or motor disabilities.
  • Dogs only considered.
  • His temper must be very controlled and must not be affected by interaction with the general public.
  • The owner must be in charge of the pet on board the plane, including cleaning it if necessary, considering the physical or motor conditions of the client.

Animal companion

Only dogs and cats are considered as pets which, depending on their characteristics, can travel in the cabin or documented.

Tips for traveling with your pet in the cabin (PETC)

  1. Your carrier or container must be placed under the seat, horizontally and facing the seat of its owner.
  2. They can only travel on flights with a maximum duration of 6 hours.
  3. Maximum weight of 9-10 kg including the weight of the carrier or container, if it weighs more, it will have to travel documented. (Remember that the weight allowance may vary depending on the airline where you travel.
  4. If your flight makes some type of stopover, you should consult the additional guidelines that you must follow.
  5. Pets that are undergoing medical treatment are not allowed.
  6. If a passenger sitting near your pet has some type of allergy and there is no availability to assign them to another seat, it is possible that the airline will put you and your pet on another flight, but don't worry, since this should not generate any type of additional charges.
  7. During the flight, the owner must monitor their pet throughout the flight . Keep in mind that if your pet soils its carrier or the cabin with feces or vomit, it must be prepared with cleaning material. Waggy's products handle various presentations which are adapted to the needs of your pet, as well as being an effective relaxant and can help combat nausea, which is likely to occur when flying.

Tips for traveling with your documented pet (AVIH)

    1. Keep in mind that it is necessary to use the services of a customs agent so that your pet is delivered to you at the end of the trip.
    2. Check the dimensions and characteristics of your carrier, as these will provide you with comfort and protection throughout your journey. We also recommend you again verify this information with your trusted airline.
    3. We understand that new activities can be very stressful for your pet, however, you should take into account that if your pet is very upset at the time of check-in, both may be denied boarding.
    4. Fortunately, there are several natural products that can provide your pet with extra relaxation, such as the CBD for dogs contained in Waggy's products, which have various presentations that adapt to the needs of your pet. We explain here the benefits of cbd for dogs .



Finally, remember that the rules are established seeking the well-being and safety of your pet.

So dust off those suitcases and get everything ready for that trip you've been waiting for!

We recommend that if you have a puppy that is very susceptible to anxiety or stress , purchase our relaxing treats for dogs :

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