Wasp Sting in Dogs: What to do and Dangers

Picadura de Avispa en Perros: Qué hacer y Peligros

Bee and wasp stings are very feared by all of us, aren't they? Imagine that our best quadruped friend has to go through that pain. Keep reading and discover how to avoid it, symptoms, allergic reactions, duration, among many other things.

What is a bee sting?

Many of us could confuse the sting of a bee with that of a wasp, however, there are differences between them. In the case of a bee sting, the stinger remains in the skin so it needs to be removed to stop suffering from the pain it causes.

On the other hand, the sting of wasps is more painful but it does not leave a sting in the skin, so they can sting several times quite quickly and each time they do so they inject a little venom, which is what causes the pain.

Symptoms: learn to identify it

The symptoms that your pet presents will be different, due to reasons that have previously been explained such as weight, breed, medical history, among others. However, below you will find a list of identifiable symptoms in these cases:

Localized inflammation

One of the most common signs of a wasp sting in a dog is swelling in the area where the sting occurred.


The skin around the bite may become red and irritated.


Your dog may show signs of pain or discomfort at the bite area, such as frequently licking or scratching the area.


If the bite occurs on a paw or a tender area, the dog may limp due to pain and swelling.


The wasp sting can cause intense itching in the affected area, which may lead the dog to scratch or lick the area.


Dogs may often be restless or anxious after a wasp sting due to discomfort.

Behavior changes

In more severe cases, your dog may show changes in behavior, such as nervousness or agitation.

Facial swelling

If the bite occurs on the face or mouth, it could cause significant facial swelling, which could make breathing or swallowing difficult. This may be an emergency situation.

Where do wasps bite dogs?

They can really sting any part of our pets' bodies, the only thing that will differ depending on the area they choose are the consequences they will have:

Bite on the snout

This is a very sensitive area in dogs, so a bite here can be especially painful.

Sting in the mouth

Whether in the mouth, on the tongue or even in the throat, the danger of these bites is that they can inflame the area and block the airways due to obstruction of the throat.

Itchy skin

In any part of the animal's body, a bee or wasp sting will cause pain and stinging, so it will tend to scratch immediately.

What should I do if my dog ​​is stung by a bee? Step by Step

The important thing in this section is to understand that we have to act very calmly and quickly, the steps to follow are as follows:

Keep calm

Your dog may be scared or uncomfortable after being stung, so it's important that you stay calm so you can help him effectively.

Examine the bite

If possible, check the sting to make sure the bee left its stinger in your dog's skin. If so, try to remove it gently, but be careful not to press more poison into the wound.

Clean the bite

Use a mild soap and water solution to clean the bite area. This will help prevent secondary infections.

Apply ice

Wrap an ice cube in a towel or cloth and gently apply it to the bite area for a few minutes. This will help reduce swelling and relieve the burning sensation.

Observe your dog

Keep an eye on your dog for the next few hours to make sure he doesn't have a serious allergic reaction. Signs of an allergic reaction may include facial swelling, difficulty breathing, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, or collapse. If you notice any of these symptoms, seek veterinary attention immediately.

Consult the veterinarian

If the bite seems to get worse or if your dog shows signs of an allergic reaction, seek veterinary care immediately. A veterinarian will be able to evaluate the situation and provide appropriate treatment.

What can you give a dog for a wasp sting?

Generally, the use of antihistamines is recommended to treat bites, but it is necessary that you consult with your veterinarian at all times. You can administer the appropriate dose as directed by your veterinarian as antihistamines can help reduce the allergic response and swelling. It is important that you do not give human antihistamines to your dog without consulting your veterinarian, as some can be harmful to dogs.

How long does a wasp sting last in a dog?

The duration of a wasp sting in dogs can vary depending on different factors such as the sensitivity of the dog, the location of the sting and the severity of the reaction. However, it is necessary to monitor your pet's symptoms and progress at all times.

How to prevent a wasp sting in dogs?

As in everything, prevention will always be one of your best options, to this end Waggy's recommends that you do the following:

Avoid areas with wasps

Be aware of areas where wasps are typically present, such as flower beds, bushes, trash cans, and outdoor food areas.

Supervise your dog

When you are outdoors with your dog, keep an eye on him at all times. This will allow you to notice any unusual behavior, such as trying to catch a wasp.

Do not disturb the wasps

Teach your dog not to disturb the wasps or try to catch or eat them.

Pick up food and trash

If you are having a picnic or eating outdoors, be sure to pick up leftover food and trash immediately. Wasps are attracted to food and may sting if they feel threatened.

Avoid or protect areas from wasp nests

If you know there is a wasp nest on your property, keep your dog from that area.

Dangers and allergic reactions

It is important that we know that emergency cases that have occurred due to wasp or bee stings are related to some allergic reaction, the symptoms may be the following:

  • Difficulty breathing normally.
  • General weakness of the animal.
  • Increasing inflammation from the bite area.

How to calm the pain?

Do you already know our awards? Waggy's is a specialist in prizes that are excellent at reducing levels of stress and anxiety in dogs , naturally supporting their immune system and relieving many problems such as pain, inflammation, muscle spasms, allergies, among others. This is due to its content in CBD for dogs . Furthermore, they carry Omega 3 for dogs , a necessary and essential component for the development of our pet, so they are the best option to choose.


Bee and wasp stings in dogs are situations that should be taken seriously, especially if there are signs of a severe allergic reaction. Prevention and proper veterinary care are key to ensuring your pet's health and well-being in the event of a bite. It is always advisable to consult your veterinarian about any concerns related to insect bites on your dog and follow their specific recommendations for your pet.

To close this section, we recommend that you continue reading the following articles: My dog ​​has a cough , my dog ​​vomits white foam , dyspnea or respiratory problems in dogs , leptospirosis in dogs , epilepsy in dogs , respiratory rate in dogs , cold in dogs ,flea bites in dogs and diarrhea in dogs . These talk about other situations, conditions and/or diseases that can affect your pet and it is important that you know how to prevent them. 

Thank you for reading us and we hope to have you in the next blog. See you later!

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