Top 10 Smells that Dogs Hate and You Didn't Know

Top 10 de Olores que Odian los Perro y No Sabías

There are behaviors typical of the nature of our pets that may be unpleasant to our eyes, such as sniffing feces or smelling other dogs' butts, however, they are aspects of their nature that are beyond our understanding. On the other hand, there are some odors that are difficult for them to tolerate and it is better to keep them out of their reach. Would you like to know what they are, how to identify if your furry dog ​​does not tolerate them and if they are dangerous? Stay reading this article and find out. Let's start.


Who among us has not used vinegar as a tactic to prevent our pet from relieving itself in inappropriate places? Well, that's right, vinegar is one of the most unpleasant odors for our pets due to how strong and acidic it can be.


Antiseptic alcohol, like alcoholic beverages, are not suitable products for our furry dogs since they generate an unbearable odor for their noses. This information reinforces that it is not good to disinfect your wounds or clean surfaces like these products.


Unlike us who like candles, air fresheners and everything that has to do with a citrus smell, our furry friends cannot be fans of this. The smell of lemon, orange, grapefruit and tangerine is one of the most hated by our dogs, both in its natural version and in the form of more concentrated essential oils.

Cleaning products

These specific products are not only annoying but can be irritating to our pets. Bleach, ammonia and chlorine are examples of them, so if we clean the house with these substances we recommend putting our pets in another place as well as ventilating well before allowing them access to the home again.


Perfuming ourselves to attract another person surely works but we are not sure that our furry friends think the same. Perfumes often contain a mix of chemicals and fragrances that can be bothersome to dogs, especially if the smell is strong. They love us naturally so our body odor will be more adorable to them.

Nail polishes and acetone

Surely these smells are also repulsive to some of us, aren't they? These products contain very strong chemicals that we recommend avoiding using them in their presence.


Mothballs, in addition to being annoying, are highly toxic for them, so we must be especially careful at this point since if they ingest any of the pellets, it can cause death.


Cigarette smoke contains numerous chemicals that can be irritating to dogs, and many dogs cannot tolerate the smell of tobacco smoke.

Mint, thyme and rosemary

Fresh herbs can be very annoying for the dog due to their strong smell. If you have a pot with these varieties at home, put it out of your pet's reach.

Ground spices

The ones they hate the most are pepper, nutmeg, mustard, cardamom, cinnamon and ginger. These culinary seasonings that give our food such a good flavor are an olfactory ordeal for the dog.

How do you know if your dog hates a smell? Symptoms

Our furry friends don't express their preferences or dislikes in the same way as humans, but there are some common signs that could indicate that a dog doesn't like a specific smell. However, some of their reactions may be the following:

  • If your dog actively avoids an area or object that has a particular smell, it could be a sign that he doesn't like it.
  • Some dogs may wrinkle their nose, frown, or have facial expressions that indicate disgust when faced with a smell they don't like.
  • A dog that is exposed to an unpleasant odor may breathe faster than normal to try to avoid inhaling the odor.
  • If your dog shows sudden changes in behavior, such as becoming restless, restless, or nervous when around a certain smell, it could indicate that he doesn't like it.
  • Some dogs may lick themselves excessively or rub themselves against the floor or furniture to try to remove the unpleasant odor from their fur.
  • If your dog moves away or retreats from a location where a particular odor is found, it may be a sign that he or she finds it bothersome.

It is important to remember that the interpretation of these signs may vary depending on each dog's individual temperament and personality. It is always advisable to observe your pet's general behavior and look for signs of discomfort or discomfort. And even consult with a veterinarian and in case you take your puppy for a checkup and he doesn't like them, I recommend that you give him Waggy's brand puppy treats because they contain CBD for dogs , which helps a lot to level the levels of stress and anxiety in dogs , in addition one of its other ingredients is Omega 3 for dogs , a necessary and essential component for the development of the puppy.

Is any smell dangerous for our dog?

Yes, some odors can be dangerous or even toxic to dogs such as some cleaning products, paints, solvents, glue, caffeine, mothballs, among some others mentioned above. }

And since we are talking about smells in this post, I advise and remind you that you should always pay attention to whether the dog smells bad in order to clean it properly.


In conclusion, it is crucial to recognize that dogs, with their keen senses, can react negatively to certain odors that might be harmless to us. Avoidance of toxic cleaning products, household chemicals, and harmful foods is essential to safeguard the health and well-being of our faithful companions. By understanding and respecting their olfactory sensitivities, we can help create a safer and more pleasant environment for them. Opting for safe products and maintaining constant vigilance over their environment allows us to provide our dogs with the quality of life they deserve, thus promoting a healthy and happy coexistence.

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