How long does the delivery of a dog take? All about childbirth

 ¿Cuánto tarda el parto de una perra? Todo sobre el parto

The arrival of a new litter of puppies is an exciting time for any female dog owner. However, one of the biggest questions that arise during this process is: How long will it take for my dog ​​to give birth? It's normal to feel some anxiety and concern around this issue, but it's important to remember that labor is a natural process and in most cases, your dog knows exactly what to do.

In this blog, we will delve into the time it takes for a dog to give birth, the factors that influence the duration of the process and what can be expected during each stage of it.

The birthing process

The birth process in the dog is a natural process that occurs instinctively and without the need for human intervention. However, it is important that owners are aware of the different aspects of the process in order to detect any problems or complications that may arise.

In general, a bitch's labor is divided into three stages: the dilation stage, the delivery stage, and the delivery stage of the placentas.

  • The first stage is the dilation stage, which can last between 6 and 12 hours. The bitch begins to have uterine contractions that help dilate the cervix and prepare the birth canal for the expulsion of the puppies. During this stage, the bitch may be restless, have no appetite, and may lick and bite her vulva. It is important not to interfere during this stage, as any interruption can delay the process and increase the risk of complications.
  • The second stage is the expulsion stage, which usually lasts between 2 and 6 hours. During this stage, the bitch begins to push and expel the puppies. In general, pups should be born at 30 to 60 minute intervals. If a puppy does not pass within two hours of the start of contractions, it is important to seek veterinary attention.
  • Finally, the third stage is the expulsion of the placentas, which can last between 5 and 15 minutes after the birth of each pup. It is important that the bitch expels all the placentas, otherwise there may be complications.

How long is your labor?

The length of labor in a bitch can vary and will depend on a number of factors, including the size and breed of the bitch, the number of puppies she will have, the bitch's age and her general health.

In general, labor in a bitch can last from several hours to a full day. The labor stage, which is the first stage of labor, can last anywhere from 6 to 12 hours. The second stage, which is the pup expulsion stage, can last anywhere from 2 to 6 hours. The third stage, which is the expulsion of the placentas, can last between 5 and 15 minutes after each birth.

It is important to keep in mind that each dog is different and that the time it takes to give birth can vary from one to another. If labor is taking longer than expected or if there are signs that something is wrong, it is important to seek veterinary attention immediately.

Possible complications

Although labor in the bitch is a natural process and in most cases goes smoothly, complications can arise that require immediate veterinary attention to ensure the health and well-being of both the bitch and the puppies. Some of the possible complications of childbirth in the bitch include:


It is a complication that occurs when the bitch cannot give birth to her puppies naturally due to problems in the birth canal. This can be caused by the presence of a large or poorly positioned pup, a deformity in the birth canal, or a lack of effective uterine contractions.


Uterine infections are a common complication of parturition in the bitch. This can happen if the placentas are not delivered properly or if an infection is introduced during the birthing process.


Bleeding during childbirth can be caused by ruptured blood vessels in the uterus or by injury during the birth process. Bleeding can be dangerous and can put the life of the bitch and puppies at risk.

Lactation problems

Some female dogs may have trouble producing enough milk for their puppies or may develop a mammary infection, also known as mastitis.

In the event of complications during a dog's delivery, it is important to seek veterinary attention immediately for treatment and to prevent the health of the dog and puppies from being compromised.

What to do when a bitch is giving birth?

When a bitch is giving birth, it is important that owners are present to help ensure that the birthing process proceeds safely and without complications. Here are some important steps to take when a female dog is giving birth:

Prepare in advance

Before labor begins, make sure you have everything you need on hand, such as clean towels, sterilized scissors, latex gloves, suture, a box or safe space for the puppies and the bitch, and the phone number of a vet in case of emergency.

Make sure the dog is comfortable

During labor, make sure the bitch is comfortable and relaxed. It provides a soft and warm bed for the dog to lie down and rest.

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Observe the birthing process

During the birthing process, keep a close eye on the bitch and make sure everything is progressing normally. The first stage of labor is labor, during which the bitch may appear restless or agitated. The second stage is the expulsion of the puppies, during which the bitch may have contractions and push to deliver the puppies.

Help the bitch if necessary

If the bitch is having trouble expelling a pup, you can gently help remove it with your hands and the help of a clean towel. If the puppy is not breathing or is not breathing properly, you can help clear his airways and stimulate his breathing.

Make sure the dog is fed properly

After whelping, make sure the bitch has access to fresh water and nutritious food. If the bitch is having trouble nursing her puppies, consult a veterinarian for advice on which newborn dog diet is appropriate.


In addition to the specific steps that need to be taken during the birth of a dog, there are some general recommendations that can help ensure that the experience is as safe and comfortable as possible for both the dog and the puppies:

Schedule regular vet visits

Before whelping, it is important to take the bitch to the vet to ensure she is in good health and to receive advice on proper prenatal care.

Provides a healthy diet

During pregnancy and after delivery, it is important to ensure that the bitch has a balanced and nutritious diet that provides the necessary nutrients for both the bitch and the puppies.

Remember that it is very important to pay attention to the fruits and vegetables that dogs can eat and if necessary, it is an obligation to prepare a substantial barf diet .

Provides a safe and comfortable space

Before whelping, prepare a safe and comfortable space for the bitch and puppies, such as a large crate with warm, soft bedding.

Keep the space clean

During labor and after labor, make sure to keep the space clean and disinfected to prevent infection and disease.

Observe the dog and puppies closely

After giving birth, keep a close eye on the bitch and puppies to make sure they are healthy and the puppies are nursing properly.

Socialize the puppies

Once puppies are old enough, it's important to socialize them and expose them to different stimuli and situations to help them develop healthy, balanced personalities.


In conclusion, the birth of a bitch is a natural and complex process that requires careful attention and prior preparation. The duration of labor can vary, but in general, it can last from several hours to a day or more. During the birthing process, it is important to closely observe the bitch and puppies, and be prepared to act in the event of any complications.

With proper care and precautions, you can help ensure that your dog's delivery is as safe and comfortable as possible, and that puppies have the best possible start in life. Additionally, making sure you take your dog to the vet regularly for prenatal care and provide a healthy diet and a clean, comfortable space can help ensure the long-term health and well-being of both the dog and the puppies.

Always remember to seek veterinary attention immediately if something appears amiss or the bitch appears to be in danger. With proper care, giving birth to your dog can be a safe and exciting experience for both you and your pet.

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