Cat Spaying: What Is It and Why Should It Be Done?

Cat sterilization is one of the most effective measures to control the cat population and reduce the number of abandoned or homeless animals. It can also improve the health and well-being of cats, as well as their behavior. And although it sounds dangerous, it really is a simple and highly demanded operation.
If you are doubting whether or not you should sterilize your michi, let us tell you that unless you want to have a litter of kittens from your male or female cat, especially females, we recommend that you sterilize your michi, since the benefits for his health are several that we will tell you about later.
What is sterilization?
Cat sterilization is a medical procedure that involves the surgical removal of the reproductive organs of cats, in order to prevent their ability to reproduce. In male cats, sterilization is done by castration, which consists of removing the testicles. In female cats, sterilization is performed by means of an ovariohysterectomy, which consists of the removal of the ovaries and the uterus. Neutering is performed under general anesthesia and can improve the health, behavior, and quality of life of cats.
Why is it important to sterilize a cat?
There are several reasons why it is important to sterilize a cat, for example, it will be less likely to contract some diseases, and thus you will avoid unwanted pregnancies. Among other advantages of sterilizing your cat, are:
Population control
Help control the cat population and reduce the number of abandoned or homeless animals.
Health improvement
It can prevent diseases related to the reproductive tract, such as uterine infections in female cats and prostate problems in male cats.
Improve behavior
Neutered cats tend to be less aggressive, less likely to mark their territory, and more affectionate than non-neutered cats.
Costs reduction
Neutering may be more expensive than allowing the cat to have offspring, but in the long run it can help avoid costly medical care related to reproductive diseases.
In summary, sterilization is an important measure to ensure the health, well-being and proper behavior of cats, as well as to help control the cat population and reduce the number of homeless animals.
When should a cat be sterilized?
The ideal time to sterilize a cat depends on several factors, including the breed, size, and health of the cat. In general, it is recommended to spay cats before they reach sexual maturity, which is usually 6 months of age. However, some vets may recommend waiting until 8 or 10 months of age for large or giant breed cats.
If the cat is adopted or rescued at an older age, it may still need to be neutered to prevent future illness and improve behavior. In these cases, the veterinarian will be the most suitable to determine the optimal moment of sterilization.
In general, early sterilization is an effective way to prevent unwanted breeding and to improve the health and behavior of cats. However, it is important that you consult with a veterinarian before making a decision to determine the optimal time to spay your cat.
Benefits of sterilizing cats.
Neutering reduces sex hormones (such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone) allowing for some benefits:
Control the instinct
Of wanting to escape from home, thus reducing the risk of loss.
Reduces the risk of contracting infectious diseases
Like immunodeficiency or feline leukemia.
Improve behavior
They tend to be less aggressive, less likely to mark their territory, and more affectionate than non-neutered cats.
Disease prevention
Spaying can help prevent breast cancer and other cancers in female cats, as well as prevent prostatitis and other health problems in male cats.
In males it reduces aggression
Thus avoiding fights with other cats. And reduce urine marking at home.
Reduces stress and anxiety in animals
Above all, in the case of cats that, during heat, can stop eating.
For those episodes of lack of appetite, you can rely on the oil or CBD treats that Waggy's has to offer and that will help your michi to recover, and in turn reduce their anxiety.
To learn more about dosage, the uses and benefits of CBD visit our article: Benefits of CBD in Cats
Risks of sterilization of cats.
Although neutering is a safe and common measure for cats, like any medical procedure, it also carries certain risks. Some of the most common risks are:
Adverse reactions to anesthesia
Anesthesia is necessary during sterilization and can present certain risks, such as difficulty breathing or allergic reactions.
Any surgery presents the risk of infection, and it is important to follow postoperative care guidelines to reduce this risk.
Bleeding or blood clots
Sterilization can cause bleeding or blood clots at the incision site, which must be treated promptly.
Behavior changes
Some cats may experience behavioral changes after neutering, such as weight gain or becoming less active. If you see that your michi does less activity than usual, don't panic, we understand that as a general rule, cats are animals that spend their time sleeping or grooming themselves, so keep calm because with sterilization they may become even more lazy.
But remember, activities such as grooming and hygiene for cats are important, so we recommend that you help him bathe even more than you used to. And if you're wondering why you should be meticulous about hygiene, you might want to take a look at the article ringworm in cats .
Difference between neutering and sterilizing a cat.
Spay and neuter are terms that are often used interchangeably, but technically there is a difference between the two.
Neutering refers specifically to the removal of the testicles in a male cat, while spaying refers to the removal of the reproductive organs in both male and female cats. In practice, spaying in male cats usually refers to neutering and spaying in female cats refers to ovariohysterectomy (removal of the ovaries and uterus).
What care should a cat have after sterilizing?
After the operation they tend to be a bit drowsy, but they will regain their normal vitality little by little. Other than this, the recovery process is different depending on the gender as the operations are different. Here are some basic tips to help your michi recover after surgery:
- Neutering has few or no side effects on male dogs.
- Stay close to him on his first night after the operation, just in case.
- Your vet will give your cat anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving medication, although she will only need it for one day.
- You will be able to go outside as normal the next day.
As the castration operation is more invasive, females need more time to recover.
- Stay close to her the first night after the operation, just in case.
- Your vet will give you anti-inflammatory and analgesic medication for your cat, and she should take them for approximately three days.
- Your cat will need to wear a "cone" or Elizabethan collar, to prevent her from licking or chewing on her stitches.
- The vet will check your cat three and ten days after the operation.
- Keep your cat at home until the vet gives you the go-ahead to go outside again as normal.
- You can also put a "girdle" on it, making it with light cotton-type fabric, that will allow your cat to be protected and comfortable after surgery.
How much does the sterilization of a cat cost?
The cost of sterilizing a cat in Mexico can vary depending on the geographic location, the type of surgery, the age and health of the cat, and the place where the surgery is performed. However, on average, the cost of sterilizing a cat can range between $1,000 and $2,000 Mexican pesos.
If you want to get your cat neutered and can't afford it, be aware that some places may offer free or low-cost neuter programs. Research the options available in your area and check with your local veterinarian for more information on these support programs.
In conclusion, it is important to keep in mind that although sterilization can be somewhat expensive, it is an effective measure to control the cat population, improve their health, well-being, and improve their behavior. The sterilization of a cat or a cat depends on your personal circumstances. Before making a decision, please consult with a veterinarian, and consider what is best for you and your pet, and remember that sterilizing your cat is also an act of love.
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