My Dog Drools A Lot: Causes and Solutions

Mi Perro Babea Mucho: Causas y Soluciones

Today we address a topic that worries many pet owners: hypersalivation in dogs. Is your dog drooling more than normal and you don't know why? We invite you to stay with us to discover the possible causes and solutions to this problem. In addition, we will tell you how Waggy's HEMP products can be a valuable complement in veterinary treatment to help your pet feel better. Do not miss it!

What is hypersalivation in dogs?

Hypersalivation in dogs, also known as excessive salivation or ptyalism, is a condition in which the dog produces and excretes an abnormally high amount of saliva. This phenomenon can be caused by a variety of factors, ranging from normal physiological conditions to medical problems requiring veterinary attention.

What happens when a dog drools a lot? Most frequent causes

  • Some dogs produce more saliva when they anticipate food.
  • Stressful situations can cause hypersalivation.
  • Dogs that get very excited may salivate more than normal.
  • Infections in the gums and teeth can cause excessive salivation.
  • Foreign bodies trapped in the mouth or between the teeth can cause salivation.
  • Cuts, sores or wounds in the mouth.
  • Caused by motion sickness, stomach illnesses, etc.
  • Eating something inappropriate or spoiled.
  • Ingestion of toxic substances.
  • Although a rare condition, rabies in its final stages causes excessive salivation that has a foamy appearance and is a medical emergency.
  • Some problems in the nervous system can affect the control of saliva.
  • Allergies to foods, insects, plants or other substances can cause inflammation and salivation.

What should I do if my dog ​​drools a lot? Better solutions

The first thing you should do is observe the circumstances under which your dog drools. If you notice hypersalivation occurring in specific situations, such as mealtime, during car rides, or when around certain objects, it may be a normal physiological response. However, if the salivation is continuous and you can't identify an obvious cause, it could be a sign of a more serious problem.

Perform a careful inspection of your dog's mouth. Look for signs of dental problems such as broken teeth, swollen gums, or abscesses. Also check for foreign bodies trapped in the mouth, such as splinters, pieces of the best dog toys , or food debris. If you find something that shouldn't be there, such as a trapped object, try to carefully remove it. If you are not comfortable doing this or the object is deeply embedded, it is best to leave this task to a veterinarian.

If visits to the vet cause stress and anxiety in your dog , consider using Waggy's Olive Oil with HEMP, with prior approval from your veterinarian. Remember that the use of any HEMP product must be supervised by your pet's veterinarian. At Waggy's, we care about the health and well-being of your furry companion every step of the way.

Dental health is crucial to preventing hypersalivation. Brush your dog's teeth regularly using a toothbrush and toothpaste designed specifically for dogs. Additionally, providing chew toys and dental treats can help keep their teeth clean and gums healthy.

If your dog drools excessively in stressful situations, such as during storms, fireworks, or visits to the vet, try to minimize his exposure to these dog anxiety factors. You can create a calm, safe environment for your dog by using calming products like pheromones, soft music, or even special clothing that applies gentle pressure to calm your dog (like anxiety t-shirts). In severe cases, consult with your veterinarian about possible medical or behavioral solutions.

Check what your dog is eating and make sure he is not eating toxic or inappropriate foods. Keep human foods that are toxic to dogs (such as chocolate, grapes, raisins, onions, and garlic) out of their reach. A balanced diet appropriate for your age, size and health needs will contribute to your overall well-being and may prevent gastrointestinal problems that could cause hypersalivation.

How do you know when hypersalivation in dogs is not normal?

Hypersalivation in dogs is not normal when it is accompanied by other worrying symptoms such as lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, bad breath, changes in behavior, or visible signs of pain, especially in the mouth or jaw. It is also abnormal if excessive salivation occurs without an obvious cause, such as anticipation of food or temporary stress, and persists for a long period of time.

What happens if my dog ​​drools a lot and foams?

This case could be an indication of serious problems that require immediate veterinary attention. Frothy saliva can be a sign of severe nausea, poisoning, or an infectious disease such as rabies, especially if your dog is not vaccinated. Other possible causes include neurological problems or seizures, which can also cause frothy saliva. It is important to observe if there are other associated symptoms, such as lethargy, tremors, vomiting, diarrhea, or changes in behavior.

In less serious situations, foaming saliva may be due to anxiety or extreme stress, especially if your dog is in a new or uncomfortable situation. However, due to the potential severity of some of the causes, it is not wise to ignore frothy hypersalivation.

If your dog suffers from extreme anxiety or stress, we invite you to consider Waggy's HEMP products as an auxiliary treatment option, always consulting with your veterinarian first. HEMP, derived from hemp, is known for its calming properties and can help reduce stress and anxiety in pets naturally. Waggy's HEMP products are formulated specifically for our pets, using high quality ingredients to ensure effectiveness and safety, they are made with CBD for dogs and Omega 3 for dogs . By integrating Waggy's HEMP into your pet's care, you can provide natural and effective relief, improving their well-being and quality of life.

What happens if my dog ​​drools a lot and shakes?

If your dog is drooling a lot and shaking, it is a sign that something may be very wrong and requires immediate veterinary attention. These manifestations could indicate poisoning, a severe allergic reaction, a neurological problem such as seizures, or even heat stroke. They can also be symptoms of severe pain or extreme anxiety.

What happens if my dog ​​drools a lot and has rheumatoid fever?

If your dog drools a lot and has rheumy, it could be an indication of an infection or disease that affects both the mouth and eyes. Bacterial or viral infections can cause these symptoms, as well as dental problems that cause excessive salivation and conjunctivitis, which causes rheum buildup. It could also be a sign of allergies or irritations affecting multiple areas.


In conclusion, hypersalivation in dogs can have various causes, from benign situations such as anticipation of food or temporary stress, to more serious medical problems that require immediate veterinary attention. Observing the context and other accompanying symptoms is crucial to determine the severity of the problem. If excessive salivation persists or presents with concerning symptoms, it is essential to take your pet to the veterinarian for a complete evaluation and ensure that he or she receives appropriate treatment.

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