My Dog Doesn't Want to Go Outside: What I Do and 10 Reasons

Mi Perro No Quiere Salir a la Calle: Qué Hago y 10 Razones

Many times our pets may be afraid of their surroundings or may be going through various situations that generate fear when leaving the house. Sometimes, when our pets are adopted and have suffered abuse, this issue becomes more delicate and common. Do you know why this happens and what those situations are? I invite you to read the article: scared dog what to do

We invite you to continue reading this article and together with Waggy's discover the information necessary to identify these situations and act on them. Remember that it is up to us to provide them with the best possible quality of life, the life they deserve. Let's get started!

How many times should a dog go outside?

All furry dogs need frequent physical activity, so ideally, it is recommended to take them for walks 3 times a day to keep them distracted, active and healthy. The duration of the walk is what usually varies depending on the breed, normally small dogs are fine with half an hour of walking while large breeds tend to go for up to an hour.

What happens if a dog doesn't go outside?

Sadly, when we keep our pet confined, they are more likely to develop health or emotional difficulties such as joint problems, overweight, systemic diseases or emotional disorders such as anxiety, stress, among many others. Below we will develop in more depth what each one is:

Joint problems

They can develop for a variety of reasons, including injuries, wear and tear, diseases such as arthritis, or genetic factors.


It can contribute to joint problems by putting extra pressure on the joints, which over time can cause damage or aggravate pre-existing conditions.

Systemic diseases

Diabetes, heart disease or hypertension can arise from a combination of genetic factors, lifestyle, and other environmental factors such as diet, exercise and stress.

emotional disorders

Anxiety, stress and depression can result from a combination of biological, genetic, psychological and environmental factors. Not walking your pet could contribute to stress and anxiety in dogs , due to lack of physical exercise, social disconnection, or the feeling of not fulfilling responsibilities with the pet.

Lack of physical activity for you and your pet could influence overall health, both physical and mental. Regular exercise is not only beneficial for physical health, but also has a positive impact on mental health, reducing stress and anxiety. Another option is to use puppy treats with CBD for dogs from the Waggy's brand , they also contain Omega 3 for dogs , a necessary and essential component for the development of our pet, as you will see they are ideal for calming your rabid dog . Try them!

Why doesn't my dog ​​want to go outside? Reasons

Bad past experiences

Our pets have a different mind than us, however, they are also governed and live based on experiences and memories that materialize through smell or some other associative issues. That is why if our furry friend had traumatic experiences such as fights, accidents, very strong scares or any other issue of abuse, it generates a very strong fear at the time of the walk.

Unfamiliar Territory

Despite what one may believe due to the dynamism of some breeds, dogs are very routine animals and use smells to locate themselves in space. Therefore, when the odors in the animal's environment are changed drastically, it may feel disoriented and fearful. This can be perfectly exemplified when a family moves house, the dog will have a hard time adapting and will probably be afraid the first few days because it does not recognize smells.

Unfamiliar weather

Bad weather is also a stress factor for our pets; thunder, rain, strong winds, among others, can be causes of irrational fear in them. Taking them for a walk under these conditions may not be the best option if your pet is not used to it.

Sensitivity to sounds

Clearly our pets have a better hearing system than we do, so a party, car engines, pyrotechnics or some other situation that may be annoying for us, for them can be a true torture or agonizing experience. Now, imagine going outside with those constant noises coming from everywhere… scary right?

You feel overwhelmed

It is very common for dogs to feel overwhelmed by all the external stimuli on the street, especially if they are puppies. As we have seen previously, knowing new smells, environments and sounds can be complicated situations for them in the first months of life. We recommend you be patient.

Using the strap

Some of our pets, especially if they were previously in other rooms or perhaps were homeless, are not used to using a leash, so getting them used to them will be a process of great patience and uncertainty for them because it is something a stranger. This can also cause fear and even anxiety.

Little or no socialization

From the fourth to the twelfth week of life, puppies go through a period of socialization that conditions the rest of their life. It is necessary to expose the dog at this stage to all possible natural stimuli, so that it acquires 4 vital pillars: self-control, communication, hierarchy and detachment. When this procedure is not done properly, the furry dog ​​can develop phobias or fears.


Like us, when we go through an injury or illness we don't want to leave the house and we want to rest, so do they. It is necessary to be empathetic and respectful of our pet's life.

Bad training

If the previous guardian of an adopted dog pulled on the leash and choked it with it, it is possible that the dog associates going outside with pain, anguish and anxiety.

Vision problems

A dog with vision problems may have great trouble locating itself in three-dimensional space. This will certainly generate fear, lack of balance, among other situations.

What should I do if my dog ​​stops standing in the street?

We believe that first of all you should evaluate the situation and look for alternatives to resolve it, such as perhaps offering a reward or prize. You should never force him to move forward, try to seek his security and build trust so that he is encouraged to walk on his own. Likewise, another option is to look for alternative routes where the flow of cars and people is minimal in case this situation arises again.

Tips for walking your dog on the street

Use good equipment

Make sure you have an appropriate collar or harness and a sturdy leash of appropriate length for your dog's size and behavior. This will provide control and comfort during the ride.


Before you go outside, work on basic commands like "sit," "stay," or "walk next to me." This will make the ride more controlled and enjoyable for both of you.

Establish a routine

Try to set regular times for walks. Dogs are comfortable with routine, and having a consistent schedule can help their behavior.

Safe browsing

Let your dog explore, but make sure he does it safely. Keep the leash loose to allow some freedom, but maintain control in case of unexpected situations.

Interaction with other dogs and people

Observe your dog and its reaction to other dogs or people. Some dogs can be shy or aggressive, so it is important to handle those situations appropriately. Socialization is key, but it must be gradual and positive.

Pick up waste

Always carry bags to pick up your dog's waste and keep the environment clean.

Mental exercise

Introduce mental challenges during the walk, such as teaching your dog to wait at street intersections or to follow certain commands during the walk.


Bring water for your dog, especially on hot days, to keep him hydrated.

Enjoy time together

Take advantage of this time to strengthen the bond with your pet. Have fun and enjoy the ride together!


In conclusion, a dog's fear of leaving the house may be the result of past experiences, lack of exposure, fear of specific stimuli, health problems, or changes in the environment. Addressing this fear requires understanding, patience, training, socialization, and in some cases, the help of an animal behavior professional or veterinarian to identify and address the cause of the fear.

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