My dog has a cough: What's wrong with him and how to act 2024

The most beautiful times of the year are about to arrive and along with them, an endless number of respiratory diseases that affect not only us as humans but also our pets.
We've all heard the reference to “I have a dog's cough” at some point, haven't we? Well, at Waggys we consider it important to be informed about all the conditions that our furry dogs may have and that is why in this blog we collect all the information about coughs in dogs.
We invite you to continue reading and together we discover what it is, its symptoms, the types that exist and their causes as well as their treatment and prevention. This blog can be of great help to you so keep reading Let's get to it!
What is cough in dogs?
Cough in dogs is very similar to ours, it is a symptom of conditions of the respiratory system or other organs. It may also be a reflex of the body to protect itself from viruses, irritating substances or foreign bodies.
Generally in this case, the symptoms that our pets present are mild, however, we always recommend consulting your veterinarian for any condition. Symptoms can be:
- Dejection
- sneezing
- Increased amount of nasal discharge
Types of cough in dogs
Depending on the symptoms that our dog has, cough can be classified into two types:
Acute irritative cough
Acute irritant cough in dogs refers to a sudden, temporary cough that usually lasts less than three weeks. This cough is considered “non-productive” because it does not feature the expulsion of any moist element. It is characterized by a dry, strong, hard and repetitive cough. This type of cough can be very painful for our pet.
Chronic irritative cough
Unlike acute irritative cough which is short-lived, chronic cough persists for a longer period, usually more than three weeks. This cough is also “nonproductive.” It refers to when the irritative cough is long-lasting, gets stronger and can trigger a vicious cycle. Due to intense inhalation of air, the mucosa becomes irritated and damaged, increasing irritation and cough.
Wet cough
Wet cough is a type of “productive” cough because it is characterized by the expulsion of secretions that are known as phlegm and are expelled through coughing. This cough is dull and is generally always accompanied by retching that occurs after a rest period such as sleeping.
Causes of cough in dogs
These are some of the causes of each type of cough:
Acute irritative cough
Viral or bacterial respiratory infections
Dogs can get colds or respiratory infections similar to humans, which can cause acute irritative coughs.
Read about dyspnea or breathing problems .
Environmental irritants
Exposure to irritants in the environment, such as smoke, dust, chemicals, or aerosols, can trigger acute irritant coughs in some dogs.
Exposure to allergens, such as pollen, dust mites, or mold, can cause coughing in allergic dogs.
Stress or anxiety
Emotional stress or anxiety can cause a dog to cough as an emotional response.
Flea or insecticide collars
Some flea or insecticide products can cause throat irritation and cause coughing in some dogs if swallowed or inhaled.
Chronic irritative cough
Heart disease
Heart diseases, such as degenerative valvular disease or cardiomyopathy, can lead to fluid buildup in the lungs, causing chronic cough.
Chronic respiratory diseases
Conditions such as chronic bronchitis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can cause chronic cough due to inflammation of the airways and excessive mucus production.
As in humans, dogs can develop asthma, resulting in episodes of chronic coughing and difficulty breathing.
Chronic respiratory infections
Recurrent or poorly treated respiratory infections can lead to a chronic cough in dogs.
Some parasites, such as heartworms, can affect the lungs and cause chronic coughing.
Wet cough
Respiratory infections
Viral or bacterial infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract can cause a wet cough.
Congestive heart failure (CHF)
CHF can cause fluid buildup in the lungs, causing a wet cough
Foreign body aspiration
Dogs often explore their environment with their mouths and may inhale foreign objects, such as grass, hair, or other objects, which can irritate the airways and cause coughing.
Heart disease
Other heart diseases, such as degenerative valve disease, can cause a wet cough due to fluid buildup in the lungs.
Lung failure
Lung problems such as pulmonary fibrosis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can lead to a wet cough due to inflammation and excessive mucus production.
Treatment will depend on the causes of the cough, however, when the cough is mild or caused by some type of cold, rest is usually indicated to strengthen the immune system. Likewise, when the cough is wet, it may be advisable to use a mucolytic or expectorant, but always with prior consultation with the veterinarian.
How to prevent cough in dogs?
Even for us, food and exercise are basic for good health, this is also the case for them. Strengthening the immune system through a healthy lifestyle, plenty of exercise and a balanced diet will save your furry friend a few colds. Try the barf diet , you will see that in addition to being rich, it is very convenient for your puppy. I also recommend that you read the article: best food for dogs to know if you are providing the necessary nutrients in the diet you prepare for your pet.
On the other hand, it is recommended that you do not leave your dog in contact with other dogs that are sick and try to have its vaccination schedule in order, that also makes a big difference.
When to consult a veterinarian?
At Waggys we recommend going to him from the beginning since it never hurts to have a professional check him out and ensure his well-being. The veterinarian, through his knowledge and some analysis, will be able to determine if your pet is in danger of something and will be able to give him treatment to resolve it. However, for this it is also necessary that we be aware of what happens to them.
Did you like this article? Now you know what is essential about coughing in dogs and this information will help you safeguard the well-being of your furry dog if necessary.
At Waggy's We love giving you this information and growing together. We invite you to review past blogs and also our catalog of products, which are the best dog treats on the market and without a doubt, are a great reward for your pet because they contain natural ingredients, some of them are chamomile, which helps to the digestive system giving balance and relaxation. They also contain olive oil that provides benefits to the skin, hair and heart of our furry dog, but above all, they contain CBD for dogs , which helps lower stress and anxiety levels in dogs , which translates into a clear reduction in calming that aggression in dogs .
In addition, they are an excellent source of Omega 3 for dogs , a necessary and essential component for the development of our pet.
To conclude the article, I leave you other conditions and/or diseases that your puppy could suffer from: My dog vomits white foam , leishmaniasis in dogs , leptospirosis in dogs , among others. Click on the links and find out everything!
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