All about Deworming Cats: How and When to Do It

Todo sobre Desparasitar Gatos: Cómo y Cuándo Hacerlo

If you are the responsible owner of a michi, you know that the health of your cat is one of your main concerns. An important part of your pet's health care is the prevention and treatment of parasitic infections. Parasites such as intestinal worms, fleas, and ticks can cause a wide variety of health problems in cats, ranging from minor irritations to serious illness. In this blog, we will give you useful information about deworming cats, so you can keep your michi happy and healthy.

As for parasitic infections, we tell you that one of them is toxoplasmosis , a type of contagious disease in animals.

Types of parasites in baby cats or kittens

There are two very different types of parasites depending on where they are located:

Internal parasites

They are found inside the body, mainly in the intestine, but also in the heart and lungs, among other organs. The most common are protozoa and intestinal worms, which can cause serious obstructions and wounds in the intestine.

External parasites

Also called ectoparasites, they live on the outside of animals, either on the skin, on the hair or in the ears. The best known are the famous fleas, which are really annoying for the animal and feed on blood hidden in the fur. Mites (causing scabies), ticks or lice are also in this group. For fleas, there are special combs to tear them off.

How to know if a cat has parasites? Symptoms

There are so many different kinds of parasites that it's hard to narrow down the symptoms to the problems they can cause. These can be cutaneous, digestive or behavioral.

  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Inflammation and intestinal obstruction
  • fever and weakness
  • Weightloss
  • intense itching
  • Loss of hair. Be careful, it should not be confused with ringworm in cats !
  • Anemia
  • dehydration
  • apathy or sadness

It is important to take your cat to the vet if you notice any symptoms. Early diagnosis and proper treatment can help prevent serious complications and keep your michi healthy.

In what ways can you contract parasites?

Cats can contract parasites in a number of ways, including:

Ingestion of contaminated food or water

Parasites may be present in the food or water your cat consumes. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the food and water are clean and free from any contamination.

Coming in contact with infected feces

Parasites may be present in the feces of other animals. If your cat comes into contact with this feces, it can contract the parasites. Therefore, it is important to regularly clean the litter box and prevent your cat from coming into contact with the feces of other animals.

Insect bites

Cats can contract parasites through the bites of insects such as fleas and ticks. It is important to keep your cat protected against these insects.

Contact with other infected animals

 Cats can contract parasites through contact with other infected animals. Therefore, it is important to limit your cat's contact with other animals.

We know that many times we give priority to how to socialize dogs and cats so that there is harmony in the home, but real attention should be paid if this is a good idea when one of the two is sick.

Transmission from mother to kitten

Some parasites can be passed from mother to kitten through mother's milk. Therefore, it is important that mothers are treated for parasites before giving birth.

Ways to deworm a cat

Cats should be dewormed in two ways: internally and externally. Only then will they be protected against all parasites.

Internal deworming

This type of deworming is normally done using pills, tablets or pastes, although it can also be done with special pipettes. This last method is usually used in cases where it is impossible to administer the medicine by mouth. With internal deworming you will protect your michi's body from internal parasites, such as worms and tapeworms.

External deworming

This type of deworming can be carried out using pipettes, collars or antiparasitic sprays. With it we will avoid infestations by ectoparasites such as fleas, ticks, lice or mites that, in addition to being very annoying, some of them can transmit diseases.

At how many months is a baby cat dewormed?

Since they are little, with just six weeks, cats can already start their deworming. The easiest way to do this for them is through drops, but always consult your vet to see the best way to proceed.

Remember that every visit to the vet causes stress in cats as in any animal, that's why at Waggy's we have CBD treats so that their anxiety decreases and they are in peace and harmony. Find out how many drops of cbd for cats it is advisable to give your michi.

Afterwards, you will have to follow a simple deworming schedule every two weeks until he is three months old.

It is important to keep in mind that a cat of this age has not yet fully developed its immune system, so it is very vulnerable to parasites (especially internal ones). Also externally we must protect them from fleas and ticks, to avoid the development of any condition.

How often is an adult cat dewormed?

How often an adult cat is dewormed depends on several factors, including lifestyle, risk of exposure to parasites, and the type of parasites you want to control. In general, it is recommended to deworm adult cats on a regular basis, at least every 3-6 months, with an antiparasitic product suitable for the type of parasites that you want to control.

Cats that go outside, have contact with other animals or hunt may require more frequent deworming as they are at higher risk of exposure to parasites. On the other hand, cats that live indoors and have little contact with other animals may need less frequent deworming.

Care after deworming a cat and possible reactions

After having dewormed our michi, it is important to take some precautions and care to ensure its recovery and avoid possible side effects. Some recommendations are:

Monitor the cat

It is important to monitor the cat after deworming for possible adverse reactions or side effects. If you notice any abnormal behavior or unusual symptoms, contact your vet.

Provide fresh water

Make sure your cat has access to fresh, clean water at all times, as deworming can cause dehydration.


You can offer your cat soft and easy to digest food after deworming. It is also important to ensure that the cat eats something before administering the medication.


It is recommended that the cat have a comfortable and quiet place where it can rest after deworming, it is also essential that the grooming and hygiene for cats is optimal.

Avoid exposure to other animals

It is advisable to keep the cat away from other animals after deworming to avoid the possible transmission of parasites.

It is important to note that some cats may have side effects after deworming, such as vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, lethargy, among others. If you notice any symptoms that worry you, contact your vet immediately. In some cases, a change in the drug or dose given may be necessary to avoid side effects.


Deworming is a fundamental aspect of cat health care, as parasites can cause serious health problems and even endanger their lives. Knowing the types of parasites, the symptoms they can cause, and ways to prevent and treat them is essential to keeping your cat healthy and happy.

It is important to take your cat to the vet to establish an adequate deworming plan and follow the instructions of the antiparasitic product used. Also, it's important to pay attention to any unusual symptoms or side effects after deworming and to contact your vet if you have any concerns.

Taking care of your cat's health is an important responsibility as a pet owner, and deworming is a fundamental part of this care. By taking preventative measures and seeking medical attention when necessary, you can ensure that your cat lives a long and healthy life.

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  • Gabriela

    Si a mí gato lo desparasite ¿Cómo elimina los parásitos? Ya que hace poco le empezó a salir gusanos tanto por el ano como en la caca, ¿Eso es normal?

  • Zulma

    Hola le puedo poner pipeta y darle 1 pastilla para pulgas al mismo tiempo?

  • Ines

    Buenos días! Consulta cuando se está desparasitando un gato .en el transcurso puede tener contacto con los niños?

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