What do cats perceive in people?

¿Qué perciben los gatos en las personas?

Cats are fascinating animals that have captured our attention and affection for thousands of years.

Although they are often considered to be independent and indifferent pets, the truth is that cats are highly sensitive animals that can take in a great deal of information through their senses. In particular, cats have a unique ability to sense certain moods and behaviors in people, allowing them to detect subtle changes in their environment and respond intuitively.

In this blog we will learn more about what cats can perceive in people, from emotional changes to physical illnesses, and how this knowledge can help us better understand our feline pets.

Do cats perceive moods?

Cats are very sensitive animals and can perceive certain moods in people, although this can vary from one cat to another. Cats have a unique ability to read people's body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions, allowing them to detect subtle changes in mood.

Also, cats can be very intuitive and can sense when their owners are sad or anxious, which can lead them to offer comfort and affection. Many cat owners have noticed that their pets seem to understand when they are having a hard time and may curl up in their lap or rub against them for attention and affection.

Why do they approach certain people?

Cats are very selective animals and can be quite demanding when it comes to who they associate with. Although cats are known to be independent pets, they are also social beings and can enjoy the company of people they like. Here are some reasons why cats may approach certain people:


Just like people, cats have distinct personalities and may be more prone to bonding with certain types of people. For example, some cats may be more friendly and affectionate with people who are calm and relaxed, while others may prefer someone who is more energetic and playful.


 Cats' sense of smell is very sensitive and can be an important factor in their choice of companion. Cats can be attracted to the scent of a particular person, especially if that person has other animals that the cat is comfortable with.

Previous experiences

 Cats' previous experiences with certain people can also influence their behavior towards them. If a cat has had positive experiences with a person in the past, they are more likely to approach that person in the future.

Attention and care

 Cats are animals that need attention and care, and they can get close to the people who provide them with these items. If a person takes good care of a cat and pays regular attention to it, the cat is more likely to approach them.

And remember, it is important that you not only give importance to the hygiene of cats but that you take care of many more aspects, such as: keeping in mind deworming in cats , sterilizing cats , taking care of diseases such as ringworm in cats , toxoplasmosis in cats and feline panleukopenia . So your cat feels all that care and love from you.

Waggy's is aware that all care and attention must always be accompanied by the advice of a veterinarian and many times these consultations generate the famous stress in cats in your pet and for that anxiety to decrease we have prizes that are based on the use of CBD to cats suitable for our michis.

Find out how many drops of cbd for cats it is advisable to give your cat.

Do cats perceive moods?

Of course. Your cat analyzes your vibe, aura as if each emotion were a color and they see it throughout the day and knows everything you do at all times. Thanks to that, for this reason, when your cat perceives that you are wrong or you are crying, they usually come to you to give you their support, some more than others depending on how much trust they have in you, and of course because of their own personality. If you are happy, they will raise their tails next to you, they will purr and look for your affection, infected with your happiness. When you're angry, they tend to separate from you, and if you're stressed, it's common for you to spread stress to them as well.

Do they detect death?

Although there are numerous anecdotal reports of cats seeming to detect the death of people close to them, and there is no conclusive scientific answer, there are some theories that cats possibly detect the death of people. This thought was strengthened in 2007, when a story was published in the New England Journal of Medicine about a cat named Oscar, who lived in a sanatorium and stayed in the rooms of people who were about to die until they died. this happened, it is at that moment that he licked them and left. Although Óscar was not fond of going into rooms, he only did it in rooms where people were about to die. Also, if they tried to take it out of the room, the cat would start to meow as a sign of refusal.

The most logical and meaningful explanation for this behavior is attributed to cats' highly developed sense of smell, which detects the characteristic odor of ketones produced by organisms when they are about to die. Other people maintain that Óscar's behavior was simply due to the fact that he was reproducing a behavior learned by the workers who cared for the sick until the last moment.


In conclusion, cats are very sensitive animals and can perceive people's moods. Due to their ability to detect subtle changes in behavior, body language, and scent, cats may be able to recognize when a person is sad, happy, anxious, or stressed. In addition, they may respond to these emotional changes in a variety of ways, such as reaching out and showing affection, or staying close to provide comfort.

Although research on cats' ability to sense people's moods is limited, cat owners often report that their cats can detect and respond to their emotions. This suggests that cats may have an intuitive understanding of human emotional states.

Ultimately, cats are fascinating and complex animals that have developed unique abilities to adapt to their environment and respond to changes in human behavior. By observing and learning more about their behavior, we can have a better understanding of how our kitties can perceive our emotional states and consequently improve our relationship with them.

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