Dental Cleaning in Cats: How, When and Tips to do it

Limpieza Dental en Gatos: Cómo, Cuándo y Tips para realizarla

Taking care of the oral hygiene of our pets is a topic that is rarely found on the social agenda, and yet it is a necessary action for their well-being. Previously, Waggy's collected all the important information about Dog Teeth Cleaning. Now in this article, we will tell you how essential dental cleaning in cats is and some of the tips that you can use to do it.

If your four-legged best friend has good oral hygiene, they will be less likely to develop oral problems in the future that can lead to other conditions. We invite you to stay reading this blog and why not? Follow us on our social networks Let's go to the information!

Why is it important to brush a cat's teeth?

The answer is really very simple and it is not far from being different from why we brush our teeth. The mouth is one of the most sensitive parts to disease, so maintaining your cat's oral hygiene helps keep their teeth healthy, prevent tooth loss and periodontal diseases.

Likewise, it is our knowledge that the mouth is the tip of the iceberg for many health problems that, in the long run, may end up involving its internal organs. This is why it is recommended to start with your cat's oral hygiene as soon as possible and preferably, from its young stage to get used to this procedure.

Most common dental diseases in cats

Dental calculus or tartar in cats

It consists of a mineral-impregnated bacterial plaque that can develop on any tooth.

Tooth resorption in cats or FORL

This can easily be understood as cavities. Unlike humans, caries in cats is very rare, but it can happen. In this case, the affected teeth must be extracted.

Periodontal disease in cats

Undoubtedly, this disease is one of the most important and even the most frequent. Again as the first agent we have the accumulation of bacterial plaque on the teeth but in this case the plaque bacteria cause an infection in the gums, which become inflamed and tend to bleed (gingivitis).

Pulp disease or pulpitis in cats

This dental disease in cats occurs when the pulp, which is a connective tissue found inside the tooth full of blood vessels and nerves, becomes inflamed.

Feline chronic gingivostomatitis

There is a group of oral inflammatory processes in the adult feline that are not related to dental disease and are related to certain viral processes.

When is it advisable to start dental cleaning in cats?

There is no specific stage however, the sooner you can begin to familiarize your cat with this action the better. This process must be gradual and must be done with the right products for them.

Products to clean the teeth of cats, what should I use?

They are two basic tools; toothbrush and toothpaste or toothpaste. The toothbrush must be a special one for them or you can also use a thimble with bristles. Regarding the toothpaste, it must be strictly suitable for cats because if they occupy yours, they could become intoxicated due to the fact that the components with which they are made are not suitable.

Likewise, it is important that you have prizes nearby to reward him for his good behavior and to associate that activity with something positive and why not? Even fun. I assure you that this will help make the procedure easier every time.

How do you do a dental cleaning in cats? Step by Step

First, it is important to familiarize our friend with this new activity, which is why we will call this process adaptation. Dip a finger in a can of tuna or some nice food for him, this will help him get used to handling his mouth.

Use this finger to run it over the area of ​​the fangs, slightly lifting the lip. When your cat begins to see it as a prize, move your finger a little towards the front teeth and molars, but very gently and gradually.

Once you've made that point and your friend is used to handling in his mouth, you can wrap your finger in gauze and start using a specific toothpaste or liquid for cat plaque and tartar control.

Finally, after all this constant process that you have carried out, you can start using a toothbrush, either a thimble with bristles or a small special toothbrush for cats.

Cat dental cleaning price in Spain

As a reference for us, in Spain a dental cleaning for cats can vary in a range of 70 to 150 euros. Shocking isn't it?

It is important to mention that the price will depend on the conditions in which your cat's mouth is found, as well as the studies or laboratories that are required to establish a diagnosis or procedure.

Tips for a correct oral hygiene process

Brushing should be gentle

Nobody likes sudden movements and believe me, your cat less so. We recommend that brushing be soft, brief and trying to massage the gums.

Products must be for cats

Just as it is important to choose the right toys for them, it is important to choose specific toothpastes for them. The ones we use may contain toxic substances for them.

Using Snacks for molars

For these last teeth, it is ideal to use snacks that cannot be swallowed if they are not bitten down with their teeth and that help clean the surface of the teeth.

We recommend using our Waggy's Calming treats for cats which, in addition to having an incredible flavor and being made with 100% natural CBD for cats , will help contribute to the emotional and physical well-being of your feline, since CBD improves stress in cats . anxiety and other emotional states as well as many behaviors that are difficult to control.

Take a look at the other Waggy's products for cats!

Have the support of your veterinarian

It may be that in the process in which your cat gets used to this routine you may notice some oral changes, so we recommend you keep in touch with your veterinarian to guide you and help overcome this situation.

Signs of poor dental hygiene in cats

It is necessary that you carry out some oral check-ups periodically and in case of identifying any of the following symptoms, contact your veterinarian to consult the situation.

Changes in the coloration of your teeth

You may notice variations of brown, green or even black tones that are not normal.

  • Inflammation, redness and even bleeding in the gums.
  • Difficulty swallowing food.
  • Bad breath.
  • excessive drooling


In conclusion, oral cleaning of cats is extremely important to ensure the health of our pet. Performing and accustoming them to this activity will avoid probable diseases in the future that may end up affecting their internal organs. Likewise, it is important that it is a gradual process, suitable for them in instruments and aware of the delicate movements that must be performed in order not to hurt them.

In case you want to continue learning other types of tips and advice to educate your michi, I recommend you to read: how to teach a cat to use the litter box. And learn more about the types of diseases that cats can contract and above all, the care that must be given to them to avoid any discomfort and physical condition that prevents them from seeing them as always, healthy playing and walking around: feline panleukopenia , toxoplasmosis in cats , toxoplasmosis in cats and feline calicivirus .

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